Frank Speaking Live

Monday, September 16, 2024

Unlocking LinkedIn's Power for Your Business


Hey there, LinkedIn lovers and business buffs!

Remember when we first dipped our toes into the world of social media for business? For some of us, it feels like yesterday. For me, I’ve been riding this LinkedIn wave since the start (always get in early).

With 32,000 followers under my belt, I've seen this platform evolve from a simple networking site to a powerhouse for business growth and teach the skills to businesses around the world.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, LinkedIn is more than just a platform for job seekers—it’s a goldmine for businesses looking to connect, grow, and thrive. With over 930 million members, LinkedIn offers an unparalleled opportunity to build your brand, showcase your expertise, and engage with your target audience.

It is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It's a platform where you can connect with potential clients, partners, and employees. It's also a great way to establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

LinkedIn isn’t just another social network; it’s a professional playground where decision-makers, influencers, and thought leaders come together. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or any other sector, LinkedIn provides the tools you need to reach your ideal clients and close more deals.

You are probably thinking. "we've heard it all before, what's new?" Well, buckle up, because we're about to take a journey through the LinkedIn landscape, and trust me, there's always something fresh to learn.

First things first - let's talk algorithms.

How LinkedIn's Algorithms Work

LinkedIn’s algorithm is designed to promote meaningful engagement. Unlike other platforms where content can get lost in the noise, LinkedIn prioritizes posts that spark conversation and add value. By understanding how the algorithm works, you can ensure your content reaches the right people at the right time.

. Here’s how it works:

  1. Relevance: LinkedIn prioritizes content that is relevant to users based on their interests, job titles, and previous interactions.
  2. Engagement: The more likes, comments, and shares your post gets, the more likely it is to be shown to a wider audience.
  3. Timing: Posts that perform well shortly after being published are more likely to be promoted by the algorithm.

These algorithms can make or break your LinkedIn game. They're constantly changing, but here's the scoop: LinkedIn loves engagement.

It's like that friend who thrives on conversation. The more your posts spark discussion, the more the algorithm will show them love.

So, when's the best time to post?

Well, it's not an exact science, but I've found that Tuesday through Thursday, between 7-10 am and 5-6 pm, tend to be golden hours. I like posting at 7.30am, it seems to be a sweet spot.

This is when professionals are checking their feed before and after their workday, so make sure your content is live and ready to engage them.

But don’t just take my word for it - experiment and see what works for your audience.

Right now, I am experimenting in using AI generated content and my own content to see if there is any difference in results. I am also experimenting with things like different timings when I post, different days including weekends and scheduled versus live daily posting.

I’ll keep you updated with the results.

I actually prefer chunking and scheduling. I would take a day and create a months’ worth of content and then schedule this. I do it with all the social channels including YouTube.

Now, let's chat about headlines.

They're your first impression, your digital handshake. A catchy headline is like a well-tailored suit - it makes people want to know more.

I always start and finish with a question. A question at the start catches attention and a question at the end of a post encourages interaction.



LinkedIn also likes a variation of posts:

Ø  Polls LinkedIn loves polls, and these can turn into valuable lead sources. I work with a number of businesses where I have shown them the exact strategies of how to turn polls into sales. Two of the businesses now get 80% of their business from LinkedIn and the majority from the poll strategy.

Ø  Videos – LinkedIn also loves videos. We live in a visual society and great pictures or videos capture attention. The ideal length is around a minute and mix the videos between:

Ø  How to

Ø  Personal

Ø  Fun and humorous

Ø  Business

Ø  Product demos

Ø  Team building

Ø  Recruitment

Ø  Video testimonials


Ø  Carousel or PDFs – The algorithms measure time spent on a post and a long PDF document is like paging through a book on LinkedIn. A great strategy with any type of post is to give away free information…. tell people ‘What to do’, for the ‘how to do’ they will need to pay you. I use some great AI applications like and to create PowerPoint presentations, download them and add my own content and have a call to action and then save them as a PDF. I then upload this PDF document.

Ø  Free Giveaway eBooks in exchange for permission to have them join your mailing list. I have created free downloadable eBooks on LinkedIn and Video marketing (55-page books) that people can download in exchange for their email or comments.

Ø  Photos with great posts. Use applications like Canva to create beautiful visuals and write a great post to support it, you will be surprised at the results

Ø  Text only posts – if these are funny or have content, your results will be reflected in your effort.

Ø  Articles – LinkedIn loves articles. Take your time in creating great articles with visuals and a call to action, this will build your subscriber list on LinkedIn. I also use a strategy called COPE – Create Once, Publish Everywhere. If I create an article I will make 4 variations of the article with four different headlines and tags and share them on my website, Blogger, LinkedIn and Article Directories to get the maximum exposure for my efforts. In one of my future articles I will share the 8 step strategy for creating great articles and blogs.

Remember to vary the posts between personal and business. If they are business only posts or a sales pitch, people will quickly move on.

One of my posts telling a story of my meal on British Airways went viral with 53,000 views, 700 comments and numerous shares.

Vary your posts. If you take a look at my LinkedIn (please follow me at )

you will notice that my strategy is:

Ø  Monday – Either Motivational Monday quote, story or experience

Ø  Tuesday – best day of the week to post, this is when I post my poll or an article

Ø  Wednesday – Normal post with great content and pictures

Ø  Thursday – Video

Ø  Friday – Funny Friday – humorous story or quote.

Hashtags are another powerful tool on LinkedIn.

They help categorize your content and make it easier for users to find posts that interest them.

But remember, don't go hashtag crazy. Three to five relevant ones will do the trick and only the first three count.

When choosing hashtags, mix broad ones like #sales or #marketing with more niche tags like #AIinBusiness or #LinkedInTips to reach both wide and targeted audiences.

Also ensure you have hashtags with a lot of followers. Go to ChatGPT and tell it about your business and ask the best LinkedIn hashtags related to your business with the most followers.

Of late, LinkedIn is not placing so much importance on hashtags, so watch this space and let’s see what changes will take place.

To check followers on a hashtag, just go to your post and right click on a hashtag which will take you into a new window and show you the number of followers.

Speaking of first impressions, let's talk about your profile.

It's not just a digital resume; it's your business card, your billboard, your chance to shine!

Use a professional photo (no, not the one from your cousin's wedding or holding your favorite pet).

Ensure you have a great banner (take a look at mine) that tells your audience exactly what you do and includes your contact details, make it easy for people to do business with you.

It is easy to create a stunning banner using Canva.

Ensure that you have a compelling headline which is optimized for search engine optimization.

If you do a Google search for ‘Sales technology speaker’, you will notice that I own this page and have done for 10 years everywhere in the world.

In a future article I will show you how to do this, but for now you will notice that my LinkedIn optimized profile has me at the top of the page in searches.

Please don't neglect your 'About' section.

Tell your story, showcase your expertise, let your personality sparkle! Also, remember those keywords for search engine optimization.

Now, here's where it gets really exciting - AI tools for LinkedIn.

Oh boy, have these been game-changers! Let me introduce you to a couple of my favorites:

  1. - This little gem is like having a personal LinkedIn coach. It analyzes your profile and gives you tips to improve. It's fantastic in helping you create posts and comments. It also uses AI to generate personalized content ideas and hashtags based on your LinkedIn activity. It helps you stay relevant and consistent with your posting, so you never run out of ideas.
  2. Find verified email addresses of LinkedIn profiles quickly, making your outreach efforts even more effective.
  3. Lusha: Enrich your LinkedIn connections with detailed information to enhance your prospecting and sales efforts.
  4. Crystal Knows - Ever wish you could read minds? This tool is the next best thing. It gives you personality insights about your connections, helping you tailor your communication. It's like being a people-reading superhero! I teach companies how to use this tool to create wonderful fist impressions, whether on email, Zoom or face to face.
  5. And of course, there's ChatGPT. This AI wizard can help you draft posts, come up with content ideas, and even help you craft responses to comments. Just remember, it's a tool, not a replacement for your unique voice! Always see it as an assistant that will do your research and not a replacement for your voice. If you simply post AI created content, it will be crushed by LinkedIn.

But here's the real secret sauce - all these tools, all this optimization, it's all in service of one thing: building genuine connections. LinkedIn isn't just about selling; it's about educating, engaging, and building relationships.

Share your knowledge freely. Offer insights without expecting anything in return. Be the go-to person in your field. Remember when I started in sales back in the '80s? We were taught to always be closing. Now? It's all about always be helping.

So, there you have it, a whirlwind tour of LinkedIn in 2024. It's a powerful tool when used right, and trust me, mastering it is worth every ounce of effort.

If you would like me to speak at your conference or train and coach your team on how to get the best from LinkedIn, please drop me an email at

Also, please take a look at my online course  -

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What's your biggest LinkedIn challenge? Drop a comment below, and let's keep this conversation going. After all, that's what LinkedIn is all about!

#LinkedInTips #BusinessGrowth #AIinBusiness#LinkedInMarketing#PersonalBranding


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"From Mundane to Magical: How AI is Redefining Business Efficiency"

 I'm constantly amazed by the number of business owners I meet who are struggling to keep up with their workload or complaining that their team isn't as productive as they should be.

My first question to them is always, "When was the last time you explored new productivity tools, especially AI-powered ones?"

Shockingly, a recent poll of mine on LinkedIn showed that over 50% of businesses haven't seriously investigated AI tools for productivity. Many are still relying on the same old methods they've used for years.

If you look at any top achiever in business, they're constantly exploring new tools and techniques to be the best they can be. They seldom look at the competition and only want to improve their 'personal best'.

Why should it be any different when it comes to productivity? Why aren't more businesses training their people to use the best tools available?

I remember when I started in business in the 1980s... We were lucky if we had a computer on every desk. Now, we have AI assistants in our pockets. The game has changed, and it's time for businesses to catch up.


With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the world of business has changed dramatically.

But there are great opportunities, and so many businesses are doing better than ever before as they have grasped the opportunity and pivoted.

Here are some of the changes that have made them successful…

AI in business is the new normal and what that means is:

A – Automating routine tasks

I – Improved data analysis

B – Boosting customer experiences

C – Communication enhancement

Are you leveraging AI in your business? Here are some ideas you can use in this new world:

Ø  Automate repetitive tasks to free up your team's time for strategic work.

Ø  Use AI-powered analytics to gain deeper insights from your data.

Ø  Implement AI chatbots for 24/7 personalized customer service.

    Enhance team communication with AI-powered collaboration tools.

Let me share some game-changing AI tools that can supercharge your productivity: - Imagine never having to take meeting notes again. Otter transcribes your meetings in real-time, even identifying different speakers. I've seen teams save hours each week just by implementing this tool. - PowerPoint decks used to take me hours. With, I can create stunning presentations in minutes. It uses AI to suggest layouts and designs, making everyone on your team a presentation pro.

Fathom - This AI tool is like having a personal assistant for every video call. It takes notes, captures action items, and even provides a summary after the call. I've seen teams cut their meeting times in half by using Fathom effectively.

ChatGPT - This is the Swiss Army knife of AI tools. From drafting emails to brainstorming ideas, ChatGPT can handle it all. I've watched sales teams use it to craft personalized outreach messages in record time. - Training new team members used to be a huge time sink. uses AI to create step-by-step tutorials for any process. It's like cloning your best trainer and making them available 24/7.


Now, you might be thinking, "Frank, this all sounds great, but how do I actually implement these tools in my business?"

That's where I come in. I've achieved the highest level in sales and was recognized among the top half percent of salespeople worldwide. This led me to a career speaking at conferences on sales, marketing, and now, productivity.

I've made it my mission to stay on top of the latest AI tools and techniques, just like I used to devour every sales program by Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins.

Remember the CASH formula I teach sales teams? Well, here's how it applies to AI productivity:

C – Comprehension: Understand what AI tools are available and how they can benefit your business.

A – Attitude: Be open to new technologies and ways of working.

S – Skills: Learn how to use these AI tools effectively.

H – Habits: Incorporate these tools into your daily workflow.

Would you like to increase your team's productivity by 33%? It's entirely possible with the right AI tools and training.

If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to help. I offer keynote speeches and workshops on leveraging AI for business productivity, sales & marketing.

Imagine your team armed with the latest AI tools, working smarter, not harder.

Don't let your business fall behind in the AI revolution.

Email me at or call me on +447711672888, and let's chat about how we can supercharge your team's productivity with AI.

Remember, in today's fast-paced business world, it's not just about working harder – it's about working smarter. And AI is the smartest tool we've got.


Frank Furness CSP CFP is a professional speaker, trainer & coach specializing in sales, marketing, and productivity. He has educated, entertained, and inspired audiences in 69 countries. His expertise now includes leveraging AI for business success.